The Borneo Post



1 Hallucinogenic drug (7) 6 Long-legged animal (7) 9 Roman house (5) 10 Leafage (7)

11 Indication of a disease (7) 12 Attack on a city (5) 13 Accompany (6)

14 Grassy, treeless plain (7) 15 Base of sauces (4) 16 Tiredness (7) 18 Paint-mixing board (7) 20 Sudden, brusque (6) 21 Take on, employ (6) 25 Bend out of natural shape


27 Very low temperature


29 Join a club (5) 30 Completely deficient (6) 31 State of being idle for a

long time (6)

32 Fine porcelain (5) 34 Discreet (7)

35 Very dirty, filthy (7) 36 Lowest desk of ship (5) 37 Flower dealer (7) 38 Pulverised wood (7)


2 Horizontal part of a

bicycle (8)

3 Capital of Libya (7) 4 Actor,... Montand (4) 5 Praise to God (8) 6 Vapours (5)

7 Make quiet (7) 8 Remark in a book (8) 15 Temporary delay (7) 17 Swedish actress, Greta

... (5)

18 Writing instrument (6) 19 Depart (5)

22 Combine (8)

23 Done by power (8) 24 Study of ancient Greek

literature (8)

26 Pig’s foot (7)

28 Sweet sauce (7) 32 Congeal (4)

33 Vipers (4)





Borneo Post